Private Jet Used To Evacuate Ebola Patients

This past week, two American aid workers who have been stricken with Ebola while in Africa are being evacuated back to the United States for treatment by private jet. Due to the highly infectious nature of the disease, flying the patients through a commercial flight would be out of the question, and travelling by private jet provides a safer and quicker travel option for the patients.
The US State Department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are helping to arrange the flight, using a small private jet that’s outfitted with a special, portable tent designed for transporting patients with highly infectious diseases.
While other Gulfstream aircraft are capable of flying from Liberia to Washington nonstop, the aircraft used for this particular medivac flight, a converted Gulftstream 3 (renamed the C3 for special operations) had to make a refuel stop.
The aircraft left Andrews Air Force Base in Washington on July 10th, refueling at Cape Verde then going onwards to Liberia’s Roberts International. On July 16th, the plane took the first patient from Roberts International to Sante Maria (LPAZ) to refuel, and then arrived back at Andrews Air Force Base at 5:01 EST.
While private jets typically are viewed as a mode of transportation for those seeking luxury or privacy, private jets are also important transportation vehicles for medical emergencies, as seen with this specific case. There are two types private jets used for medical emergencies: Air Medevac and Air Ambulance. Air medical evacuation/medevac/medivac is a method of transporting patients who are too ill to travel long distances by ground. An Air Ambulance is a private jet that has been specially equipped for a patient that requires extensive or urgent medical assistance during transportation.
Additionally, private jets can use ten times more airports than commercial airlines, allowing them to operate into a closer airport to the treating and receiving hospitals. These private jets are also usually equipped with a medical flight crew including a doctor, and/or a nurse, and carries extensive medical equipment including respirators, medication, an ECG, CPR equipment and stretchers.
For medical flight information or to discuss a medivac need in confidence, call PrivateFly at +44 0 1747 642 777 or contact us.