Private Jets – Opposites Attract
It’s perhaps no coincidence that this week the PrivateFly team have been sent two very different model aircraft – the Cessna Citation Mustang and Bombardier Global Express.
These aircraft are polar opposites that are, nonetheless, both showing the strongest growth at each end of the private jet market.

As the overall market still shows a slight decline, our two plane models are the best performing aircraft in Europe, reflecting the continuing polarised buying habits of Europe’s private jet customers.
Latest market data from WINGX-Advance shows that Mustang flights were +8.1% in July and the Global Express exceptionally strong at +18%. The Global Express is proving especially popular, even for shorter range flights of 2-3 hours.
What this shows in today’s climate is that customers are choosing efficiency or luxury but avoiding the middle-ground (the small and medium jet category).
P.S. Thank you to our partners at GlobeAir and FL3XX – you’ve made a team of plane geeks very happy!
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